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Student Athlete Learning Services

The Learning Specialist will assist student-athletes in coordinating appropriate testing, acting as liaison and developing academic support plans based on individual strengths/needs. 


If a student-athlete or parent has some academic concerns that would impact their performance in the classroom, the Learning Specialist will be a valuable resource.

The Learning Specialist works closely with student-athletes regarding accommodations, assistive technology, community resources, and effective strategies to facilitate success. The Learning Specialist can also assist student-athletes in understanding applicable policies and procedures for individuals with disabilities.


Any student-athlete may make an appointment with the Learning Specialist to gain insight into their learning styles, academic strategies and for support in identifying services that they can access. 



EGOS Academy Services provides a summer bridge program designed specifically for incoming students who have been identified as academically at-risk or under-prepared. These students are identified by their coach, athletic director, or parent upon review of prior academic evaluations. Students are then recommended for the Summer Bridge Program. Summer Bridge is an intensive three-week academic readiness program. The targeted students’ parent is to suggest the subject that they feel their child will need the most help in.


The summer bridge program cohort develops study skills and is introduced to techniques that will assist them in becoming more academically ready prior to their first year as a high school or college student. 


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